Alliance Members

Our members

The Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics is made up of 70 supporting members which represent a further 500+ organisations. Our members span a wide range of medical, health, agricultural, environmental, consumer and animal welfare sectors from across the EU.

Membership of the Alliance offers a multi-disciplinary platform from which to raise the profile of human and animal antibiotic resistance at policy, industry and public levels. Members are offered the opportunity to contribute to our outreach work, briefings and consultations, or to support our media work and policy advocacy.

Health and medical organisations

  • Arzteinitiative gegen Massentierhaltung
  • Bulgarian Association for Prevention and Infection Control (BulNoso)
  • Campaign for Better Hospital Food
  • College of Medicine
  • European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)
  • European Public Health Alliance
  • European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
  • Faculty of Public Health
  • German Trauma Society
  • Global Sepsis Alliance / World Sepsis Day
  • Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome Help - UK E coli Support Group
  • Health Care without Harm
  • Hellenic Sepsis Study Group
  • Institute of Primary Care & Public Health, Cardiff University School of Medicine
  • Malta Health Network
  • Medact
  • MRSA Action UK
  • National Obesity Forum
  • Plant Based Health Professionals UK
  • Royal College of Pathologists
  • Royal College of Physicians
  • Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group
  • UK Sepsis Trust

Civil society, environmental and animal welfare organisations

  • Agricology
  • Agricultural & Rural Convention (ARC)
  • Albert Schweitzer Stiftung
  • ANDA Asociacion Nacional para la Defensa de los Animales
  • Biblical Foods
  • Compassion in World Farming
  • Eating Better
  • Euro Coop
  • European Environmental Bureau
  • Farms Not Factories
  • Feedback
  • Food and Water Europe
  • Free Range Dairy
  • Friends of the Earth
  • GAIA Global Action in the Interest of Animals
  • Global Justice Now
  • Greenpeace UK
  • How It Should Be supermarket
  • Humane Being
  • Humanimal Trust
  • IMBT
  • International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside
  • Intimate With Nature Society (Bulgaria)
  • National Council of Women of GB
  • OneKind
  • PAN Germany
  • PAN UK
  • Real Bread Campaign
  • Riverford
  • School Food Matters
  • Send a Cow
  • ShareAction
  • Slow Food in the UK
  • Soil Association
  • Sustain
  • Sustainable Food Trust
  • The Good Food Institute Europe
  • The Organic Research Centre
  • The Pasture-Fed Livestock Association
  • The Permaculture Association
  • The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts
  • The School of Artisan Food
  • The Sustainable Restaurant Association
  • World Animal Protection
  • Whole Health Agriculture (WHAg)

Global affiliates

  • Aquatic Life Institute
  • One Health in Action Initiative